Hopeful Adoptive Family

Meet a loving, adoptive family ready to give your child a home.

Meet Cabe & Bailey

A video message from Cabe & Bailey

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A Letter from Cabe & Bailey

Greetings from Colorado!  Thank you for stopping by to see a little bit about who we are.  We have been married for 9 years now and, after years of fertility treatment, found ourselves on the path to adoption which led straight to our kids, Justin and Jessie.  They have been a part of our family since they were 9 and 6 years old.  We truly love being an active family and are so excited to complete our family with one final addition. We look forward to getting to know you and sharing our lives with you and your child.

Our Lives

We consider ourselves blessed beyond measure that we have found each other and can watch our kiddos grow and flourish.  We live in Colorado, where we have created a beautiful life full of love, chaos, and all of life’s hiccups.  We balance work, school, football practice, swim lessons, baseball games, soccer games, church activities, school musicals, productions, and just about anything else you could imagine from a family with two kiddos, and we LOVE every second of it.  You can often find us outside enjoying everything our community has to offer.  We are regularly at our local parks walking our three dogs, biking, and playing disc golf.  We love adventure, but our favorite weekend activities are pretty simple; we love to go to the movies, hang out with friends and play board games. We look forward to including our next child in all of our family fun and supporting them as they find their own passions.

All About Cabe

Cabe is everybody’s favorite person and best friend.  He has the biggest heart out of anybody you will ever meet.  Cabe loves to grill and makes a mean burger.  You’ll often hear Cabe’s voice ringing down the halls because he loves to sing and dance.  He also loves to write funny stories and poetry. He’ll often sneak them into lunch boxes or onto pillows to surprise us with. He is faithful and loyal, the backbone of our family. Baseball is Cabe’s favorite pastime, and he has become an awesome coach to our son’s team.  If you ask Cabe what he is doing for the weekend, his response is always the same, “I go where my family goes,” and he truly means it.  Cabe has never missed a baseball practice, football game, swim meet, school play, or daddy-daughter dance. I know he’s excited to cheer on and support our next child in all that they do.

All About Bailey

Bailey is the heart and soul of our family.  She loves harder than anybody and loves being a mom.  Bailey loves to work on projects at home and in the garden.  Cooking is a passion that has run through Bailey’s family for generations, and she finds joy in sharing old recipes with our kids whenever possible. She’s so excited to have another helper in the kitchen to share recipes with. Bailey loves all major holidays and decorates the entire house with energy and spirit for each one.  She also loves to travel and explore everything the world has to offer.  She loves creating memories and looks forward to making and sharing memories with our family all over the world.  Bailey is our family’s biggest fan and cheerleader.  In her free time, Bailey enjoys spending time volunteering with our local church, working out, skiing, and being with friends.

All About Justin and Jessie (our kids)

Justin is our sweet, kind, and gentle 13-year-old.  He always looks after his little sister, Jessie, and has grown into a great big brother.  Justin is incredibly smart and humble, though he doesn’t want anybody to know.  Justin is all boy, he enjoys playing on the school football team, baseball, swimming, and of course, video games when he has the time.  He is incredibly helpful with chores and always does more than his share of work around the house.  He loves his family and cannot wait to be a big brother again.  We are so proud of the young Man Justin is growing into!

Jessie is our 9-year-old fireball.  She is wicked smart and full of personality and wit.  Jessie is incredibly social and constantly has a band of friends at the house.  She is on the swim team and has become quite a competitor.  Jessie adores all things babies and always plays house with her baby dolls.  She also loves to color, paint, draw, and has recently begun taking acting classes at school.  She cannot wait to make memories with her new little brother or sister!

Our Home In Colorado

We just built our perfect 4-bedroom dream home!  Our neighborhood is full of life and laughter of all the young families nearby and, in the evenings, there are anywhere from 8-12 kids running and playing at any given time.  With a pool and game room, there is always something fun to do. Sleepovers occur almost weekly in our home and, just about every day, there are kiddos running in and out.  Outside we have the basketball court with local pickleball courts across the street next to the dog park we go to on our nightly strolls.  Amongst all the crazy, we have a quiet little nursery ready and reserved, just waiting for our next child.

Our Promise

Our promise to you is to always be open and honest throughout this journey.  We promise that your child will always be loved and cherished.  They will know the value of hard work, education, and faith.  We promise that your child will always know that their life and their journey was specially chosen for them by a family that does not just include Cabe, Bailey, Justin and Jessie, but that you made the best decision you could to provide a warm, safe and loving life for them.

We will honor your wishes throughout this journey as our relationship grows and changes throughout the years. We promise that you will always have a place in your child’s life and in our family.  We promise to always make time for visits, phone time, and video calls.  We know that this will not always be easy, but we promise to love, support, and respect each other as a family.  We hope to work together with you on this journey so that we can build up and raise a beautiful and extraordinary child.

If you would like to learn more about us, please call or text Lifetime at 1.800.923.6784.

Cabe and Bailey

Learn More About Cabe & Bailey

  Cabe Bailey
Our EducationBachelorsMasters
Our ProfessionsLogistics Manager (Carvana)Style Manager
Our Racial BackgroundCaucasianCaucasian
Some of Cabe & Bailey's Favorites
FoodPizzaIce Cream
MovieAnything MarvelA Leage of Their Own
HobbyGolfArts and Crafts
Song"I'd Do Anything for Love" by Meatloaf"Good as Hell" by Lizzo
VacationHawaiiDisney World
More About Our Family
Our Special Interests

We love to spend time outside as a family, whether it be at the lake on the boat or in the mountains skiing. Friday nights are game nights in our home with friends and family. Our family loves to explore and create memories. When we are not out and about, however, we also love to rest and relax around town. Some of our favorite activities are listed below!

•Water Skiing
•Snow Skiing and Snowboarding
•Science Museum
•Disc Golf
•Play at the Park
•Mario Party on the Nintendo
•Card Games and Board Games
•Baseball and Football Games

Our Faith

We attend our local church weekly. We both volunteer in youth groups, and our kids attend church programs during school breaks. We are a non-denominational Christian family. We try to implement God's grace and wisdom in our everyday lives; however, we also recognize that we are not perfect, nor will we ever be.

Our Musical Interest

We love to go to concerts of all kinds, from country, rock, pop, you name it. However, we also enjoy live music and attend the local Jazz festival every year. Additionally, we enjoy live shows and musicals every chance we get, from Wicked to Rent and everything in between. That being said, let's be real... we also jam out to Disney soundtracks from Zombies, Descendants, Frozen, and pretty much anything else on Disney+, and let's not forget about the Trolls soundtracks!

A Day In The Life

An average day in our home is just that, average. Cabe works 4 days a week as a logistics manager, and Bailey works as a style manager. Most days start like any other, Justin and Jessie (our children) get up with Cabe and eat breakfast before heading out to school. While Justin and Jessie are at school, Cabe and Bailey make their way to work. Justin gets home from school by 3 pm, and both Cabe and Bailey are home to greet him, followed by Jessie at 4:30. In the afternoons, Justin and Jessie complete whatever homework they may have and go to whichever extracurricular practice they have from Football and Baseball to Acting and Swimming. After practice, we come home and make dinner, which Justin and Jessie love to help with. After dinner, we snuggle in together for a quick game of cards or an episode of a favorite television show before scurrying off to bed. Wednesday nights are filled with group bible study for the family, and Fridays are all about game night! Board games, card games, or video games, doesn't matter which one, we are all about them all!

We Prefer a Child Who Is...
Age of Child

Newborn to 8 years old





Sibling Group

Yes, with the oldest up to 8 years old

In Closing

Thank you so much for taking the time to get to know us a bit! We would love to get to know you as well. We are excited to come together with you to support each other through this special time. We would be honored to provide your child with a safe and loving home where they can grow, learn and explore the world. We are open to any level of communication you are comfortable with and look forward to getting to know you as we grow our family together.

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