
Adoption Quotes

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We hope these adoption quotes offer comfort and support to you or someone you love. Additionally, we understand that adoption is a very personal choice for birth mothers and we are committed to supporting all birth mothers through this process . So if you would like to know more about what the adoption process is like you can call or text us anytime at 1-800-923-6784.

Faith is taking the first step, even when you don’t see the whole staircase.
Martin Luther King, Jr.

Love is unselfishly choosing for another’s highest good.
C.S. Lewis

Biology is the least of what makes someone a mother.
Oprah Winfrey

A birth mother puts the needs of her child above the wants of her heart.
Skye Hardwick

Adoption isn’t a birth mother’s rejection but an unconditional love that inspires her to put herself last and do all she can for her baby.
Mary Hines, Birth Mother

If you would like to talk to or hear from women who have been in your shoes, please visit Lifetime Adoption’s peer counseling page and we can get you connected to someone.

It is important to know that you have three major choices when you are pregnant and considering adoption:

  • You can choose the Adoptive Parents for your child.
  • Determine the type of contact you’d like to have after the adoption.
  • Come up with a delivery plan so you know how things go at the hospital.

If you are interested in placing your baby or child for adoption and have questions, please contact us. We’re here to help you.